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Why You Should Sponsor

A crucial element of the success of UNC CAUSE is the active and enthusiastic support of our corporate partners. By sponsoring, you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your services and technologies to higher education leaders and IT professionals across the UNC System, as well as strengthen relationships with existing customers.


UNC System CIOs regularly attend the annual conference and frequent the vendor floor. In addition, nearly every institution was represented at our 2023 conference in Winston-Salem, and we expect a similar turnout this year.

UNC CAUSE attendees are IT professionals, managers, and technologists on every part of the stack, and they want to see the latest and greatest technology our vendors have to offer to drive their institutions further.


of UNC CAUSE attendees have “buy” responsibility

* To ensure the highest level of privacy for our attendees, UNC CAUSE will no longer provide vendors with attendee registration data pre-or-post conference. Instead, lead generation services are included via mobile scanning application available as part of our sponsorship package. Sponsors may upgrade to physical device(s) during the registration process.

** All vendors are invited to join us throughout the conference schedule including all official social events. However, vendor-sponsored events cannot conflict with any officially scheduled conference event. Questions regarding this policy can be directed to the conference vendor team.

*** Gold speaking slots enjoy an exclusively limited concurrent time slot on the conference schedule; only 3 Gold Sponsors make up a time slot.